
Vegan Restaurant Milan | 2022

Vegan restaurant in Milan. Last project I’m working on.

The idea is to create a connection between the aesthetics of the place and the product offered. The two owners / Chefs love details and meticulously take care of every aspect of their vegan cuisine.
All products are selected with love and cooked with passion. The space expresses this attitude and indirectly tells of the care and love for food of the two Chefs.
The intimate dimension of the meal is framed in a dimension that is equally cozy and full of identity.

Concept section for a small vegan restaurant in Milan.

“THE FASHION EXPERIENCE” | la verità su quello che indossi | MANITESE

“THE FASHION EXPERIENCE” | la verità su quello che indossi – MANITESE – Milano

Consulenza per il  Progetto dell’allestimento e Concept / grafica della campagna stampa

Un ‘installazione in Piazza XXIV Maggio a Milano per la ONG Manitese che vuole raccontare e attraverso un’esperienza interattiva sociale, ciò che si nasconde dietro gli indumenti che indossiamo tutti i giorni.

In partnership con il Comune di Milano è stata realizzata l’installazione multimediale gratuita e aperta a tutti, che ha raccontato, attraverso un percorso ad alto impatto emotivo, le conseguenze sociali e ambientali legate alla filiera produttiva dell’abbigliamento. L’obiettivo era quello di diffondere la conoscenza sui rischi del business as usual promuovendo nuovi modelli d’impresa in grado di assicurare il rispetto dei diritti umani e dell’ambiente.

L’iniziativa è stata co-organizzata con il Comune di Milano e rientra nell’ambito del progetto “New Business 4 Good” cofinanziato dall’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo.


«The Fashion Experience» è un’installazione multimediale creata da tre cupole geodetiche a formare un unico percorso consequenziale. L’allestimeno prevede tre spazi differenti che raccontano attraverso scenari diversi l’impatto sull’ambiente e sull’uomo del business della moda contemporanea. Il concept nasce dall’idea di lasciare più spazio possibile ai contenuti importanti realizzati attraverso video installazioni e realtà aumentata creando scenari tematici.

La campagna di lancio

Tre i soggetti della campagna di lancio di «The Fashion Experience», che gioca sul contrasto fra il claim (un hashtag legato al mondo della moda) e un’immagine tutt’altro che fashion, che rimanda a una situazione di sfruttamento lavorativo nell’ambito della produzione tessile. Questo contrasto e paradosso rafforza il messaggio che si vuole comunicare creando nell’utente una forte relazione empatica con le foto – Fotografie di Claudio Montesano Casillas (



“THE FASHION EXPERIENCE” | the truth about what you wear – MANITESE – Milan

Consultant for: Concept and design of the Press Campaign and Exibit Design and Graphics

An installation in Piazza XXIV Maggio in Milan for the Manitese NGO that wants to tell through an interactive social experience, what is hidden behind the clothes we wear every day.

In partnership with the Municipality of Milan, the free multimedia installation was created, open to all, which told, through a path with a high emotional impact, the social and environmental consequences related to the clothing production chain. The goal was to spread knowledge on the risks of business as usual by promoting new business models capable of ensuring respect for human rights and the environment.

The initiative was co-organized with the Municipality of Milan and is part of the “New Business 4 Good” project co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

The Installation

“The Fashion Experience” is a multimedia installation created by three geodesic domes to form a single consequential path. The exhibition includes three different spaces that tell the impact of the contemporary fashion business on the environment and on man through different scenarios. The concept was born from the idea of ​​leaving as much space as possible for important content created through video installations and augmented reality by creating thematic scenarios.

The Comunication 

Three subjects of the launch campaign of “The Fashion Experience”, which plays on the contrast between the claim (a hashtag linked to the world of fashion) and an image that is anything but fashion, which refers to a situation of labor exploitation in scope of textile production. This contrast and paradox reinforces the message you want to communicate by creating a strong empathic relationship with the photos in the user – Photographs by Claudio Montesano Casillas (

Client: Starchestunt Agency – June 2019

Maison du Monde | Design Week 2018

Allestimento temporaneo per Maison du Monde durante il Salone del Mobile 2018 – BRERA DESIGN DISTRICT

Cliente: Agenzia StarChestnut  


Newtone Brand Spaces | FROM SPACE TO PLACE

From Space To Place | Investigate the new ways of living the office  | per Newtone Brand Spaces – Arch.Marco Rossi

A multifunctional space to accommodate hybrid functions, with highly collaborative islands and areas focused on accommodating different working styles and targets

Moving from dedicated spaces to functions designed and inserted into the space, a new way of thinking about the office.

Designing the functions and the resulting elements rather than specialized spaces and places.


Spaces, elements and functions that can improve the lifestyle